March 25, 2007Reza gilani & his clone
March 25, 2007Pied Myna (Sturnus contra)
March 25, 2007Pied Myna (Sturnus contra) – Also known as Asian Pied Starling
Field Characters: A trim black and white myna with orange orbital skin, and deep orange-and- yellow bill. Sexes alike. Parties and Rocks about villages and cultivation.Habits: Rarely met with away from the neighbourhood of villages, towns, and cities where refuse dumps afford attractive feeding. Commonly seen in attendance on grazing cattle, particularly On moist or marshy environs of village tanks.
Size: Bulbul+
Call: A number of pleasent high pitched notes, some reminiscent of snatches from the flight’ song of the Finch Larks.
Nesting: Season: March to September. Nest — large, untidy, globular, of twigs, leaves, grass and rubbish, with a lateral entrance. In branch of mango or similar tree 15 to 30 ft lip, sometimes 3 or 4 nests in the same tree. Eggs -4 or 5, glossy blue. Both sexes share in building the nest and care of the young.
Shot at a village near Gujranwala, Punjab, Pakistan.
March 25, 2007M.A. JINNAH ROAD
This Renaissance Style building, designed by G. Wittet, Consulting Architect to the Government of Bombay, is located opposite Qamar House, a short distance away from Merewether Tower. Completed in 1915 at a cost of Rs. 9,74,990 it was inaugurated by Lord Willingdon, Governor of Bombay on Jan 5, 1916. A month later it was converted into a 500-bed military hospital for British forces engaged in World War I and was named No.1 Indian General Hospital. From May 6, 1919 when the military vacated the premises, it was reconverted to its original use. Three storeys in height, the ground floor has channeled masonary walls , while the two upper storeys, treated in continuity, are adorned with architraves, friezes and
Basant 2007
March 25, 2007Khanpur lake
March 25, 2007Minarate
March 25, 2007Doctor Ismat Javed Malik
March 25, 2007Murree
March 25, 2007The dusk with abandoned pushcart is making a paranormal day end image
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