Ramses III and prisoners
Ramses III killing a Libyan (New Kingdom)
Ramses III (New Kingdom)
After Amarna, around 1200 BC, Ramses and his successors brought in new interests to art, where the main idea was to be very big and impressive, even if the details were not so fine. Reliefs are cut into the stone, instead of the background being cut away as they were in Old Kingdom art. New Kingdom artists, and their audiences, liked a loose, enthusiastic style, more than the old tightness and precision. And, because the Egyptians were doing a lot of conquering at this time, the reliefs often show wars or prisoners."

Ramses III and prisoners

Ramses III killing a Libyan (New Kingdom)

Ramses III (New Kingdom)
After Amarna, around 1200 BC, Ramses and his successors brought in new interests to art, where the main idea was to be very big and impressive, even if the details were not so fine. Reliefs are cut into the stone, instead of the background being cut away as they were in Old Kingdom art. New Kingdom artists, and their audiences, liked a loose, enthusiastic style, more than the old tightness and precision. And, because the Egyptians were doing a lot ofconquering at this time, the reliefs often show wars or prisoners.
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