Uzbekistan is situated at the heart of Central Asia, between the two big rivers, Amu Darya and Syr Darya. Uzbekistan borders on Kazakhstan to the northwest and north, on Kyrgyzstan - to the northwest, on Tajikistan - to the east and southeast, on Turkmenistan - to the southwest, and on Afganistan - to the south. Main exports of Uzbekistan: Cotton, gold, natural gas, mineral fertilisers, ferrous metals, textiles and motor vehicles. Main imports of Uzbekistan: Machinery and equipment, foodstuffs, chemicals and metals. Main trade partners of Uzbekistan: Russian Federation, Germany, Switzerland, UK, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Korea and Japan. Uzbekistan Currency & Exchange: Uzbek Sum (UZS). Notes are in denominations of UZS1000, 500, 200, 100 and 50. Payment for hotels, hotel services, transport, meals and other should be done in local currency. However, US Dollars are acceptable in some places as well.The exchange offices are available at most hotels, big department stores, banks. The exchange rate: USD1 = UZS1240. Banking hours: Mon-Fri 0900-1800. Note: US dollars – small notes, old (pre 1995) notes, marked or damaged notes tend to attract a lower rate and may even be refused. |

Credit cards & travellers cheques: Credit cards are acceptable in most big hotels, stores, and air tickets agencies. The travellers cheques are not acceptable, but can be cashed in most banks at 2-3% charge. The ATM machines are available in some big hotels, but usually there is no money in it.
Uzbekistan Language: The official language is Uzbek (Turkic tongue). Russian is widely used. The ethnic language in Bukhara and Smarkand is Farsi. Many people involved with tourism speak English. The Government has stated its intention to change the Cyrillic alphabet to the Latin.
Uzbekistan Religion: Most of population are follow Sunni Islam. Besides, there are Christians, Catholics, Protestats, Jews, and others (more than 15 religious confessions).
Uzbekistan Public Holidays: Jan 1 - New Year’s Day. Jan 10 - Kurban Khait. Mar 8 - International Women’s Day. Mar 21 - Navruz. May 9 - Day of Memory and Respect. Sep 1 - Independence Day. Oct 24 - Ramadan Khait.Dec 8 - Constitution Day. Dec 31 - Kurban Khait.

Uzbekistan History
Uzbekistan is a country of an ancient civilization. There are thousands of monuments of archaeology and architecture preserved on its territory. Numerous manuscripts and items of both ancient and recent past of the area are kept in research centers and museums.Uzbekistan, being at the heart of the Central Asia, served and still continues to serve as a center for important historical events. Therefore, while talking about the history of Uzbekistan people, looking at the events and studying the monuments of the past, it would be impossible to stay within today's geographical and administrative borders, since both in ancient and medieval times, the territory of present Uzbekistan was fully or partly a part of neighboring provinces and still united them into one historical and cultural unit.
Read more about history of Uzbekistan ...
Uzbekistan Culture
The distribution in Bactria, Sogdiana, Orkhon, Khorezm of handwriting, art, ceramics, architecture, wall design, various musical instruments, etc. witnesses to a high level of cultural development of the Central Asian people. And it is quite natural that, after Central Asia was joined to the Arab Caliphate, it began to play an active role in its political socio-economic and cultural life.Read more about culture of Uzbekistan ...

Uzbekistan Nature
The territory of Uzbekistan is 448900 sq. km. It is the 56th-largest country (after Sweden).The country stretches 1425 km from the west to east and 930 km from north to south. Uzbekistan is not only one of the larger Central Asian states but also the only Central Asian state to border all of the other four. The total length of its borders is 6221 km.Uzbekistan's natural world is very diverse. It is composed of desert areas and snowy mountains, rivers and completely dry lands.
The plains are located in the southwest and in the northwest. One fifth of the territory of Uzbekistan are mountains belong to the Western Tian Shan and Pamir-Alai rangers.
The mountain ranges blocked the humidity from the Indian Ocean. It caused conciderable climatic change: the weather became dry and huge desert areas appeared. Read more about nature of Uzbekistan ...
Uzbekistan Land Transport
There is a diverse transport system in Uzbekistan, which ensures both domestic and external transportion of cargo and passengers, as well as economic ties with foreign countries. The system includes all kinds of passenger and cargo transport - the railway, motor, air, river and pipe, as well as urban - trams, buses, trolleys and underground.fashioninn4us.blogspot.comRead more about transport of Uzbekistan ...
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