This time same place but full-colour version. The square by the Western Wall is full of chairs and stands. One may borrow (or should buy?) holly books and other stuff necessary for praying.

Walking in Jerusalem felt like I was back in time. I expected Roman soldiers to march out of every street and alley we passed! I love this shot, especially the lighting. I admit that all I did was point and shoot but I'm very happy with the result.

Sitting in this little restaurant in Jerusalem’s old city I looked up and there it was
This lovely light fetcher out came the camera and this is the result

This is the view of the rebuilding of the Hurva Synogogue.
In the year 1700, a mass immigration of Rabbi Judah he-Hasid (Segal) and his 300 to 1,000 students (sources vary on the number) arrived in Jerusalem from Poland. They bought the courtyard next to the Ramban Synagogue, which had been closed by the Ottomans in 1589 due to Muslim incitement. On this site they began building a synagogue to accommodate the increased Jewish population of the city.
Due to the sudden death of their rabbi and the subsequent decline of the community, the immigrants were unable to finish construction or pay their debts. In 1721, the unfinished structure was burned together with the 40 Sifrei Torah it contained by the Arab creditors. From this time on the site lay in ruins and became known as Hurbat Rav Yehudah HaHasid — the Ruin of Rabbi Judah the Pious. The name was commonly abridged to "the Hurba" (commonly referred to in English as "Hurva") or "the Ruin."
During July and August 2003, an excavation took place inside the Hurva. It was carried out by the Institute for Archaeology at the Hebrew University and the Israel Exploration Society. The excavation was funded by the Jewish Quarter Development Company of Jerusalem.
In 2005, the Israeli government announced that a version of Assad Effendi's 19th-century design would soon rise above the Jewish Quarter. The government-funded Jewish Quarter Development Corporation convinced the Israeli government to allocate $6.2 million for the reconstruction of the old Ottoman synagogue. Jerusalem architect Nahum Meltzer was given the commission, and was told to hew as closely as possible to the 19th-century design. Meltzer feels that "both out of respect for the historical memory of the Jewish people and out of respect for the built-up area of the Old City, it is fitting for us to restore the lost glory and rebuild the Hurva Synagogue the way it was." Work has started on the site and is expected to take four years.

Sha'ar Harahamim The Golden Gate
Other Names:
Gate of Mercy;
the Gate of Gold;
the Gate of Eternal Life.
These doors have been sealed for hundreds of years and it is said that they will remain so until the coming of the Mashiach (Messiah). According to tradition the Mashiach will enter Jerusalem from the east. The Arabs believed he would come through Sha'ar harachamim. Hoping to prevent the redemption of the Jews they blocked the passageway with great stones.
They also built a cemetery in front of the gate thinking that the Mashiach could not set foot in a cemetery and therefore would not be able to come. They knew that Eliyahu Hanavi who will announce the coming of the Mashiach was a cohen.

As a holy city for Judaism, Christianity and Islam, Jerusalem has always been of great symbolic importance. Among its 220 historic monuments, the Dome of the Rock stands out: built in the 7th century, it is decorated with beautiful geometric and floral motifs. It is recognized by all three religions as the site of Abraham's sacrifice. The Wailing Wall delimits the quarters of the different religious communities, while the Resurrection rotunda in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre houses Christ's tomb.

A couple found a great location for a "talk".
From that position they could see the holly places in Jerusalem spread under their feet. I just hope this was a good moment for them (I'm not that sure...).
This was taken from the roof of the Austrian Hospice of the Holy Family, Jerusalem ---> http://www.austrianhospice.com/en/index.htm
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