On est devenus amis d'un seul coup. Il a eu aussitot un gros sendwich dans le Resto de la Gare. Quand on s'est dit adieu, on savait que cela a ete inevitable. Les deux tres contents a minus dix degres. Dans la Rue Karadjordjeva.
Čim smo se sreli, u Karađorđevoj, nekako smo se sprijateljili. Izveo sam ga u stanični bife i pružio mu najveći raspoloživi sendvič (sa šunkom). I obojica smo bili vrlo srećni. Kada smo se rastali znali smo da tako mora biti. Na minus deset.
PS. All my deleted photos from my gallery you will find in Photofolia

Gomile snega.
Sibirska zima donela je mnogo snega i problema.
Sneg se cisti sa dela trotoara i stavlja na gomile, ceka lepe suncane dane da se otopi.
Jutro je bilo sa maglom i hladno.
Piles of snow.
Siberian winter has brought snow and a lot of problems.
Snow is part of the clean sidewalks and put in piles, waiting for nice sunny days to dissolve.
The morning was cold and the fog.

Zimsko jutro sa maglom.
Glavna grada ulica sa maglom.
Posao sam u samouslugu i sa pesackog prelaza snimio ulicu sa maglom.
Glavna ulica vodi u deo grada koji se zove Slavija, put dalje ide za grad Paracin.
Pogledajte i fotografiju u radionici.
Winter morning with fog.
The main street of the fog.
I went to a supermarket and a pedestrian crossing the street with recorded fog.
The main street leading to the part of town called Slavia, the road continues on in Paracin.
See a photo of the workshop.

Fontana se nalazi u centru grada u Nisu, ispred hotela ,,Ambasador ,, i spomenik oslobodiocima, koje sam prikazao na ranijim fotografijama.
Bio sam da posetim majku i prosetam ulicama grada moje mladosti.
Dan je bio lep sa kisom.
Fontana is located in the center of the city of Nis, in front of the hotel, the ,,Ambassador,, and a monument to the liberators, that I've shown in earlier photographs.
I was to visit my mother, and walked the streets of my youth.
The day was beautiful with the rain.
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